Friday 23 September 2016


It's the Queen's Birthday long weekend, which means there won't be class on Monday (I can hear you all rejoicing already), but that's no excuse not to practice your English.  Sure, you've probably already organised a trip or something with you friends - and that's awesome, I hope you have a great time - yet you have to keep using English as often as possible to ensure you're ready for the exam.

If you're off on a trip somewhere, why not designate the time in the car to English speaking only?  Or, if it's a really long trip, make a deal with your friends that during meal times it's English speaking only.  Basically, make sure you can devote some time to speaking English.  Three days without practicing your English speaking skills can easily make you a little rusty.

And, of course, if you can make the time, why not try one or more (or perhaps even all) of the following exercises:

Practice makes perfect :)

Whatever you get up to this long weekend, I hope you enjoy every minute of it!  See you all again on Tuesday! :)

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